Just when it looked as though CGI overkill has ruined the fun of spectacle, here comes a film that charms with its kaleidoscopic vision and meticulous combats, says Sukanya Verma, who can't wait for more!
A summary of sports events and persons who made news on Friday
'This government wants to keep control of everything in its hands.' 'If they have their stooges sitting on the National Medical Commission, they will do only the government's bidding.' 'Imagine a scary situation where people who have no knowledge about medicine sit on a commission that will take decisions on matters related to medical education, doctors and medical ethics.'
'Unless the living conditions change here, no amount of testing, screening, treatment would make a difference.'
The software had, perhaps unknown to Dr Tripathi, tracked the changes he had made. The 'morph track' feature of the software provided a trail of what had been done and also indicated that the doctor had, it seemed, opted to morph Sheena's face with the provided skull, much in the same manner that Fantamorph can turn a woman into a cheetah.
The average bank customer does not know about the Customer Charter because it was designed - under Mr Rajan's regime - to be a lame duck initiative from the start: violating the charter has no consequences, points out, Debashis Basu.
This week was the first time Peter and Indrani appeared in court no longer married, footloose and fancy free once again, even if in jail.
'I can tell you the case that hurts me the most is the one in which the little boy is forced to sign the Kohinoor over.' 'You take a mother away from a child, you surround him with grown ups speaking a different language, you tell him he must sign this over or else...'
'All those photographs I had seen before about Ladakh were not photoshopped.' 'Ladakh, truly, was nature's masterpiece.'
Purchasing power ebbs and flows all the time, but there seem to be a few human longings that remain beyond it . Presenting the usual suspects...
Maybe the Republicans too will find their saviour in a fresh-faced minority with a funny name and unlikely story: Piyush 'Bobby' Jindal, the Indian-American son of a Hindu named Raj, who became America's first Indian American governor (in Louisiana, of all places), converting to Christianity and pledging to restore Reaganism along the way. 2012, Obama vs Jindal. Wouldn't that be something, asks Matthew Schneeberger
'I suspect, despite all the asanas and the pranayamas, the great yoga master has still some prejudices to uncrumple.'
Senior Earth Institute economist and Dr Nirupam Bajpai is a global vagabond. He flits between the Big Apple, interior India, Mumbai, New Delhi and other developing countries in Sub-Sahara Africa and Asia, faithfully collecting endless data to feed his continuous research on improving developing economies. His special beat: Any of India's 600,000 varied villages.
Senior Earth Institute economist and Dr Nirupam Bajpai is a global vagabond. He flits between the Big Apple, interior India, Mumbai, New Delhi and other developing countries in Sub-Sahara Africa and Asia, faithfully collecting endless data to feed his continuous research on improving developing economies. His special beat: Any of India's 600,000 varied villages.
Valmiki knew Ram to be a human, a noble man, the best of his era and in his time wrote the Ramayana as both were contemporary. He has also shown Ram to possess human traits and emotions, just like any ordinary person. We, in our blind faith, have accentuated the question marks on the historicity of Ram and Ramayana by treating Ramayana like a fable and depicting its noble characters as birds and animals.